Alex Sheridan

Property News

Playing the 0-per-cent game

Still in debt from Christmas? Switching your debt to a nought per cent card could save up to hundreds of pounds in interest charges
9 Nov 2013
Property News

How to get cash back when you spend

Credit cards that offer cashback pay shoppers when they spend on their plastic
9 Nov 2013
Property News

How to cut your council tax bill

Many households could help themselves to substantial savings
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Cash transfers

Owners and buyers of overseas properties should look to specialist currency transfer services, rather than banks, for competitive exchange rates and savings on a range of other charges
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Cut household water bills

Household water bills in the capital will generally rise by a few pounds from 1 April 2010, with Thames Water's 2010/11 charges up an average of 1.3 per cent to £303
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Cheaper home insurance

Home insurance premiums have risen 10 per cent in a year, so it’s more important than ever to shop around when renewing policies
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Foreign banks seek British borrowers

Foreign banks, which have already shaken up the UK savings market, are offering mortgage rates as low as 2.5 per cent to British homeowners
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Cutting the cost of credit

Despite the base rate dropping to a historic low of 0.5 per cent, credit card rates remain stubbornly high at 18 per cent on average, so it pays to find ways of cutting their cost
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Home emergency insurance cover

A domestic boiler breaks down every 20 seconds in the UK, often leaving their owners stressed and facing a big unexpected bill
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Clearance websites

Households and landlords looking to save money on white goods and home appliances may be able to find bargains on retailers’ clearance websites
9 Nov 2013